Dr Pelipyagina & Dr Chavez-Johnston moving to Viva Medical Clinic

Dr Tetyana Pelipyagina and Dr Noemi Chavez-Johnson are moving their medical practices to Viva Medical Clinic effective November 1st, 2023.

As of Nov 1st, the phone number to call to book appointments and reach their receptionist is 226-667-8488.

The location of Viva Medical Clinic is 149 Oxford St E. You can park behind the clinic (access off the alley), on St. George St or on Piccadilly St.

All phone calls and appointments made after Nov 1st are to this new location.

*Your medical records will be transferred and all scheduled appointments after Nov 1st will remain unchanged.

2023-11-01T14:09:25+00:00 October 18th, 2023|